That's a very nice photo! and they certainly are spectacularly colored birds. We have them out here in Australia too - (himantopus himantopus) is that the same as your birds?
Great photo. When I think of Black-winged Stilts I think of being scolded. They can be quite aggressive and they are not shy about dive-bombing a passing birder! Nice to see a bunch of them in flight like this.
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I have recently not been posting any pictures of birds. I have been visiting places where there are a large population of birds, as frequently as possible. I have used Canon Powershot S3 IS and I think this is the best camera for beginners. I have also used Canon EOS 1000D. Another great camera for introduction to dSLR. Recently I have brought Canon 550D. But I have not yet started posting any photos yet. Will try to do so soon.
My other interest includes animal rights. There is definitely not much interest in animal welfare/animal rights activities in India and I hope to change that with the help of this blog. I would like to show people how wonderful animals, birds and trees are with the help of photography.
That's a very nice photo! and they certainly are spectacularly colored birds. We have them out here in Australia too - (himantopus himantopus) is that the same as your birds?
Birds in flight are always wonderful to see.
Thanks mick and Arija. :)))
Superb shot. Never seen one myself.
I love this picture. The reflection is so cool.
Great photo. When I think of Black-winged Stilts I think of being scolded. They can be quite aggressive and they are not shy about dive-bombing a passing birder! Nice to see a bunch of them in flight like this.
That's a wonderful shot with the reflection! I have one pic of a stilt, but nothing close to that! Thanks for sharing!
Nice capture of the Black-winged Stilts. There is a bird I didn't know of. Very cool looking bird to say the least.
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